Our Services
TRA is “a systematic process used to identify and analyze trees and evaluate tree risk.” ( S. Lilly ISA 2020)
Three Levels of TRA:Level 1. Visual Assessment
Looking for defects, response growth, or other conditions that may indicate the likelihood of failure.
Level 2. Basic Assessment
A thorough visual inspection of a tree and its surrounding site. This may include simple tools. The tree risk assessor must walk completely around the trunk, to inspect all visible parts of the tree.
Level 3. Advanced Assessment
The Advanced level is used to gather “detailed information about specific tree parts, defects, targets, or sight conditions.” (S. Lilly ISA 2020). This usually involves probing into the tree or using other specialized data collection equipment.
During development, trees marked for retention are subject to injury from heavy equipment.
A Tree Protection Plan includes a Tree Protection Zone (TPZ), a defined area which restricts (fences off) construction activities around the tree to minimize potential impacts.
Tree inventories record the location, species, condition, and other characteristics of trees in a designated area.
Parks and municipalities often use this information in planning and budgeting for urban forests.
Samples are taken from the top 12” of the soil in root zone under the tree canopy.
The samples are then sent to a Soil LAB to determine which elements are missing.
This is a targeted approach to improving the cultural environment of the soil in the root zone.
Tree Care
Pruning: The proper pruning of young trees can help them develop good form and structure and minimize entry points for decay.
Dead, damaged, and diseased branches should be removed.
Improper pruning cuts act as entry points for decay, and devalue the tree.
ISA Certified Arborists are trained in the science of how and when to prune your tree to optimize tree health and longevity.
When decay weakens a tree to the point where failure is imminent, a tree becomes a hazard and should be taken down.
-Storms can damage trees to the point where they are beyond repair.
-In the urban environment trees may outgrow their spaces. Roots may break up sidewalks or clog sewer lines.
-Vegetation is often cleared to make way for new construction.
-Invasive tree species often take over habitat used by slower growing native tree species.
Skilled arborists use technical rigging, and, in some cases, aerial lifts, to minimize impacts to property.
Emergency response, in times of extreme weather.
-Emergency Tree Risk Assessment
-Storm damage pruning and cleanup
Orchards must be established carefully according to a plan for light, space for growth, and other factors.
Pruning fruit trees during establishment is necessary for young “whips” to grow into stable trees with structure strong enough to bear the loads of future harvests.
A well-planned landscape adds value, creates outdoor living spaces, and gives beauty, form, and color to your home and property.
Trees are the foundation plantings of the landscape. They block unsightly views and provide privacy for your home.
Trees that blossom in the spring or have interesting form and color in winter can be planted where they are visible from your kitchen or living room windows.
Mature trees can be renovated by proper pruning.
Soil improvements can increase the overall health and vigor of trees by improving the quality and structure of the soil.
During establishment, young trees should be planted at a depth that allows the roots to thrive.Soils should be loose and well-aerated. Mulches can be applied around the tree to reduce compaction, retain moisture, add organic matter, and buffer temperature extremes.
Trees should be chosen not only for their size and aesthetic appeal, but for the Zone they thrive in.Trees that thrive in full sun should be planted in full sun. Trees that prefer shade should be planted in partial sun or shade.
Often, trees that fail to thrive were planted in the wrong location, or at the wrong depth in compacted soils.
Let us plant new trees, and, through proper pruning, renovate and maintain your mature trees.New tree plantings can fill voids to offer screens, windbreaks. They can be planted as specimens that will be, in time, the main attraction of the landscape. We help you choose defect-free trees at the nursery.
Choosing trees with good form will minimize later problems due to branches failing in storms.
In the urban environment topsoil is often removed during construction. Soils are compacted by foot and vehicle traffic. Dense soils inhibit tree root growth expansion, and prevent water infiltration. Microbes and beneficial fungi (mycorrhizae) are often not present or not able to survive. Space for root growth is limited by the presence of hard materials such as stone, cement, and pavement. Trees under root stress show signs of stunted growth, nutrient deficiency, and eventually dieback.
-mitigate soil compaction
-add organic matter - applied by hand or worked in.
-With the use an AirSpade (high pressure air tool) blend compost into the upper 12” of the root zone out to the dripline.
-Add mulch as a top-dressing or by vertical mulching holes dug around the tree.
Soil Amendments:
Aged manure
Alfalfa meal
Expanded Shale
Mycorrhizal Fungi
Peat Moss
Lime or Sulfur to adjust soil pH